How an Ideal Fire-Resistant Panel Performs in a Fire


In the past, large fires in important buildings caused a higher level of scrutiny in safety codes like the International Building Code (IBC). While these changes occurred in countries like the US, there is still something that you can learn from the injuries and loss of property others have suffered. Using a product such as the DuraWall™ can help your company to better protect your property against fire.

Fire Codes and Your Panels

Some people mistakenly believe that the tested assembly represents all installed configurations. As fire rated walls are tested as flat assemblies, with a minimum 100 square test sample, that rarely matches what is actually required for a project. How many walls do not have a change of direction, like a corner, or a passage door somewhere? This is where manufacturers and engineers come together to develop the specific construction details for these common, but not always tested, wall configurations.

Different wall constructions can vary quite a bit because of the type, barrier walls or air barriers, or materials used like plastic insulation, and where they are installed in multistory buildings. Although they should all be test, recent large fire around the world have shown this is not always the case. This is why choosing a tested and listed product like the DuraWall™ is such a good idea.

Some people want to add some additional protections to fire codes to make them more rigorous. By changing the fire separation requirements, the occupants of the building can stay better protected. It can be hard to understand building codes on your own, which is why your fire wall manufacturer is happy to help you.

The ideal system will have a composite panel faced with steel and a strong mineral fiber core. The panel edges should fit together easily and have a high-performing joint. It is a good idea to get UL/ULC Listed panels and ensure that they have a rating of at least two hours. Products such as DuraWall™ panels are for non-load bear fire separations.

Choosing Flexibility

It is helpful to choose panels that you can remove or reinstall easily. That allows for greater flexibility in your building or plant design, as you can relocate the panels as needed. If you get large enough panels, your contractors can install the panels even faster while still allowing for a high level of precision. That can significantly reduce labor costs.

You will want to choose fire-rated panels that do well both indoors and out. The best ones will have R-ratings of R-23 to provide the necessary thermal installation for exterior walls.

Turn to the Best Source of Fire-Rated Panels

When you choose the DuraWall™ panels from DuraSystems, you can get LEED credits. These panels are an environmentally friendly option because they do not have HCFCs or ODP in them. You can also recycle them once their useable lifespan has passed. The walls from DuraSystems also have thermal efficiency and can reduce noise. If you want to find out more about our products, feel free to reach out to our company today for more information.

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