Why Are Smoke Doors Required in Buildings?
One way to contain smoke and fire is to compartmentalize your facility. This simply means that you are dividing your building into sections that you can then close off if you have an emergency. You might be wondering how this process works. One way is through a smoke door, which is a type of door that many buildings must have in place. Smoke Doors This type of door prevents smoke from spreading while still allowing passage through a smoke barrier. This allows you to easily evacuate the building if necessary while preventing smoke from spreading in the building. When there is not a fire, these are normal doors. However, you need to ensure that smoke doors stay shut and that access is quick. This means you cannot place objects in front of the door or use the area around it for storage.The smoke doors are not fire rated and will not prevent the fire from spreading to other parts of the building. Fire doors are installed in fire barriers to keep fires contained, while allowing the ...